
We are 3H Foundation

Connect with us to make the world a better place

Building Goal-Driven Communities, Relieving Poverty and Driving Holistic Education

Holistic Education

Integrated learning approach to develop the intellectual, emotional, moral, social and physical well-being of community members.

“By education, I mean an all-round drawing of the best in child and man in body, mind and spirit” Mahatma Gandhi


Looking to volunteer? We’d love to hear from you.

“Volunteers do not necessary have the time, they have the HEART” Elizabeth Andrew

Ways to give

HeadHeartHand Foundation is a non-profit registered charity, community-owned and community-supported, all of our donations come directly from generous community members like YOU! In such uncertain times it can help to reach out to our neighbours and support those in need. Charity Registration Number: 794511469 RR0001

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Find out what we have recently been doing to support our community.

Stress Management — June 2024

This program is part of our Youth and Community Incubator program to focus on Emotional Development impacting Leadership and Social Integration. We invite you to join us for a virtual interactive session on Stress Management with Dr. Kofi Bonnie, where we will explore how stress affects our health, productivity, and overall well-being. This session aims […]

International Women’s Day in 2024

Celebrating & Empowering Women International Women’s Day 2024 [March 9th 2024 2PM PST, Surrey Center Library, Room 402.     Vancouver, BC — As part of the celebration of International Women’s Day in 2024, HeadHearHand Foundation and The Viden Fate Foundation Society will host an interactive session with inspiring leaders in our community. This program is sponsored by […]

Bridging the Cultural Divide- Black History Month 2024

A Support System for Black Immigrant Families. Inspired from the book — Two Worlds at War, by George M Dmin Portuphy, Cynthia Adom-Portuphy PhD Vancouver, BC — To observe 2024 Black History Month, HeadHeartHand Foundation (3H Foundation) is organizing an interactive session on “Bridging the Cultural Divide”, to provide awareness and resolution to parenting social issues attributable to culture, […]

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